Thursday, August 28, 2008

Would it be wrong?

If your last name was Powers and you had a son and named him ..... Austin?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Who am I???

I heard bits and pieces of a story on the radio this morning about a man that got lost or left behind (probably depends on who's side of the story it is) in a small town and remained there for 21 years before searching to find out where his family was.... so I got to thinking, how cool would that be....

Sell your house, pay off all your bills and then travel until you come across a place that you would like to stay indefinitely.... fake an accident or amnesia and then just live there happily ever after not worrying about who you need to be or disappointment because of what you had done or hadn't done in life... Maybe Alaska would be good... is it still 12 men to 1 woman??? Not that I would want another man....because that would be one of the reasons I would disappear in the first place. I think that would be good for my mom to do... but I would need to know where she was so I could visit the town like a tourist and just 'make friends' with her.... but I would miss her terribly.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Technology isn't up to speed yet

So, where would we be without technology? Well where could we be??? I know a lot more productive!!! Well that depends on productive in what.... like I started this blog yesterday and on my way home, I had a million and one topics to type... if I had technology in the way I needed it to process my brainwaves into blogs, I would have filled 100 pages... but alas here is just a little ditty about what I haven't accomplished....

Out of all that thinking yesterday, I can only remember one brillian title.... I hate it when life gets in the way...

Monday, August 25, 2008



My name is JB (not really but does it matter?) and I by no means am a brilliant writer like my friend who has inspired me to start my own blog. I do not intend to have anyone log in daily and read mine as I do hers. I just saw this as a good outlet to express my feelings and views on daily occurences in my life to just help myself deal with what has turned out to be my mundane existence.

I do have several funny (well at least to me) stories and I will share them with me as the come along. I am mostly an upbeat person but feel like this may be an opportunity to share my angst so I will in turn decide not to take it out on my family... you know, the ones who are supposed to love and treat me like I do them.... ha ha ha - ok that was funny.... see, like I said, at least to me...

I am now 36 and having to check mark the next box on all surveys and am not sure how I feel about that.... I love to dance but not pop dancing because that makes me feel uncoordinated and stupid. I like sports but am somewhat out of shape so I don't play them.... I lack motivation to get skinny again.... but I am married so why try and be a boy magnet any longer? I used to have hot guys but now have settled for love... ( I crack myself up) definitely not money...

And I have too many ideas all jamming in my fingers trying to be the ones put on paper...well screen... so I am going to stop for now and then just start posting little subjects here and there....