Friday, October 31, 2008

80's hair metal

is what I have been listening to for the last 2 days straight...

and it's brought back many good memories of my childhood. Like at Christmas when my mom would always get me 2 tickets to some concert that would be coming for me and one for a friend... and all the cute little rocker boys at my school... and then just all the boys in general.... mmmmmm good times.....

which brings me to my little one.... who is going retro for Halloween and is dressing like she is from the 80's.... an era of long before she was born.... wow

where did the time go? which then brings me to the things that we talk about and the things that she tells me... all things that I would never in a million years tell my mom.... or would have even had the courage to tell my girlfriends at the time.... gotta love her!

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